Saturday, January 19, 2013

Rings and tuxes...

  Today we went to Savvi's to check out the tuxedos styles that I could have for the wedding for myself and the poor guys that I can get to be my groomsmen. When Elizabeth and I got there, my mind was already made up with what I wanted to wear for this little event. I wanted a tux with tails. The girl there showed us two different styles of jackets that I could choose from and after I made my choice, she put the clothes on one of the dummies in the store to let us see what it would look like.

  What we finally decided on was a combination of a black jacket with grey vest and bow tie. We thought of going with a vest and bow tie for the groomsmen that matched the brides maids' dress color. But that just didn't seem right. It didn't look good with the black jacket. But the gray color with the black really caught my eye. We may still go with the colored vest and tie, but we will have to wait to see what the finally color for the bridesmaids' dresses will be.

  Now...I have had some people ask me why I want a tuxedo with tails for this wedding. I have even been told that they aren't really used that much anymore. But to be honest, I don't care about what is in style or what is popular for weddings. I think that most tuxedos that are out now just look like regular suits. Just a little fancier, but nothing to tell them apart from another dress suit. But the way the tuxedo jacket looks with tails adds a certain class and style. Something that sets it apart from other suits. I think it makes the wearer look, as Elizabeth put it, smashing. So it's tails for me and my guys that I choose to stand up there with me.

  We later went to where we had decided to get the wedding rings for us to wear. Luckily, the real engagement ring that Elizabeth fell in love with is still available. So that was a load off my mind. What was really cool was that I found a ring that I fell in love with. A very ornate ring with very detailed carving on it. It was very unique and best of all...very affordable. It was only 99.00! We couldn't believe that it was so cheap. The lady told us it was made out of stainless steel and that was the reason why it was that price. I didn't care what it was made out of, I want that ring. It was just so different and I fell in love with the cross symbols on it.

  So all in all, this was a fun filled day of wedding planning, getting fitted for tuxes, and looking at rings. Plus, Elizabeth made a good point. We have put down our twenty dollar deposit on the tux. It nonrefundable, so guess what. No turning back now. Time to get this show on the road and get it planned. Tails and all.

1 comment:

  1. My friend Art got married back in August and he had tails. You should totally have tails if you want them.
