Tuesday, January 15, 2013

More Cake!

  On the fifth of January Elizabeth and I went to another bridal show in St. Louis. This was a much larger show than the last one we went to. Vendors from all over the area were there and man, was it a little over whelming. Everything from limo services and big buses for the wedding party to floral shops were there. We checked out the buses just for the fun of it knowing there was no way in hell we could ever afford one. They were really cool. One even had a stripper pole in it! Now, I ask you, is that bus for the wedding party or the bachelor party?

  One of the big limos was pink. A very sickening shade of pink. Who in the world would want that ugly thing? Not this groom that is for sure. After we made it through the limos, we started to hit the main aisles of the show. Even though I knew it would drive Elizabeth crazy, I checked out the ice sculptures. Now I thought they looked way cool. I asked the guy standing there if they could do one that looked like my hero, Godzilla. He said they could and that made me have a cool idea. A ice sculpture of Godzilla standing in the punch bowl with a wrecked building next to him. Ahhh...the sight of that at the reception would be such a cool thing for the guest to see. I told this idea to Elizabeth, who immediately shot it down. Sadly, I left the ice sculptures a sad, broken man with visions of a icy Godzilla stuck in my head.

  We continued to check out the different vendors and found one that would freeze dry your flowers. This is something I wish we could do for Elizabeth's flowers. It would help save the wonderful memory   of our wedding day. We haven't checked out the price for it yet, but I do hope we can do something like it. Finally, we got to the most important part of the show. Or at least to me. CAKE! They had a couple of bakers there that had the most tasty cakes! Mmmmm...they were so good. The butter cream frosting melted in my mouth with each wonderful bite I could get my hands on. Of course I asked the question that I'm getting famous for, 'Can you make a cake that looks like Godzilla?'. But this time I threw in that I want Godzilla breaking the St. Louis Arch. The baker I asked smiled and said he can do it and it would look cool. God I want that for a groom's cake. I love my hero Godzilla.

  Elizabeth and I finally made our way to where they were having the fashion show for the different dresses. I saw a couple that I think Elizabeth would look very beautiful in. I almost teared up thinking about it. Just nearly teared up just NOW writing about it. Man I am a sappy. The thing I liked about the show was that the male models at one part of the show were all wearing tuxedos with TAILS. I was told by one store that tails were not in style. So it really made me feel good to see tuxedos with tails. I really want to wear tails at this wedding. I just think they look so classy. But NO! I will not wear a top hat and sing the song 'Putting on the Ritz'. PERIOD. All in all we had a good time.

  As we were leaving we got on the subject of the ice sculptures again. Elizabeth kept telling me thehy were so crazy. I looked at the doorman as we were walking out and asked him if it was cool to have a Godzilla ice sculpture sitting in punch bowl. He thought about it for a couple of seconds and said, 'A man has to go with what he feels sometimes.' Well...I got one man on my side at least.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I'll sing and even tap-dance if you change your mind on Puttin' On the Ritz.

    For what it's worth, I think tails are extremely classy.
