Monday, August 5, 2013

Popping the Question...Again!

I finally paid off Elizabeth's real engagement ring about a week ago. Through a stroke of good luck, we were able to get it sooner than we thought because the price had dropped on the ring and we were able to collect the discount on it.

Elizabeth and I were very happy the day we picked up her ring from the jeweler after it was sized to fit her finger. Elizabeth joked with me that when we got her real engagement ring, I would have to ask her to marry me again. AND TO TOP WHAT I DID LAST YEAR!

How in the hell do you top proposing in front of a freaking castle? In Walt Disney World, at that? That moment was just so special and perfect, there was no way I could ever in a million years top that! I kept trying to think of some way I could even come close to what I did last year. Everything I could think of just did not measure up to it.

But then, I realized that I didn't have to surpass it, I just had to make it as special and as beautiful as the first time I asked Elizabeth to marry me. But the only thing I could think of that could come close was to bump up the sap level and yes, the embarrassment level. In order to do that, I would have to call in a pretty big gun.

What would be the most special and wonderful place I could ask her? Our church, that's where. St. Andrew's is a wonderful little church that we go to, and I love all of the people there. My church family means so much to me, and I love serving God in my way as a cup bearer for communion.

The day that I decided to throw myself on the 'altar of dignity' was not only a Sunday that I was serving the church, but that we had a priest visiting us to lead our service that day. I met him before church started and showed him the ring that I brought with me and told him the story of Elizabeth's wish for me to ask her again to marry me. I told him that sharing this moment in the house of God and with my church family would be the best way to make this just as good as the Castle from last year.

He asked me what Elizabeth would think about it, and I told him that she would be sure surprised about it. He thought that it was a wonderful idea, and we agreed that when it came time to ask if anyone had to make an announcement that he would call me from the front to say that I had one to make. I thanked him, and went and got my robes on for the service. I had the ring hidden in my front pocket of my shirt; that way I could reach it quickly when the time came. I did my reading from the Bible, and when the time came I did Prayers for the People. And I didn't flub it this time either. Shocking, I say, because of what I had planned to do soon.

The time came for the Peace, and then the visiting priest asked if there were any announcements. He said I had one to make. I could hear a little murmur going through the crowd as I walked down from the front of the altar to where Elizabeth sat.

She looked at me and in her Elizabeth voice said, 'Really? Are you serious?' I helped her stand and slowly took her promise ring off her finger. I then looked at her and smiled, and holding back tears and choking up on emotion, I said these words:

"You are the most important thing in the world to me. I love you more than anything else in this world. So I am asking you again..."

I then went down to one knee. Which was a real trick to do wearing vested robes. I held out the ring to her, and in a voice cracking with emotion and love I said:

'Will you please marry me?'

Elizabeth smiled.

'Yes,' She answered.

I stood and we hugged and kissed, and the entire church erupted in applause. I placed the ring on her finger and kissed her one last time, and walked back up front to do my duty for the day.

As I walked by the priest, he said, 'Thank God she said yes!'

'AMEN!' I answered.

It turned out to be just as special and beautiful as the first time I asked her. But this time it was done in the house of God and in front of my fellow church members. I guess this means I'm stuck now. You know what? I wouldn't have it any other way.   

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